
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Food Props Hunt In London

Taking good photos is an art, it is about being creative. People ask which camera you use. Well it is not always about the camera. It is the connection between your eyes and the camera- your eyes sees and then your camera captures. Food that you present must look good to eyes first and then your camera will be able to click good pictures.  So for me it’s more about styling, more about colours, more about being creative-so now we are talking!!. I began with plain black and white plates and bowls and now I enjoy hunting props. What to keep in mind while buying props? Well I follow these guidelines.
  • Budget- yes anything above 2 pounds is way too expensive for me.
  • Patterns- hunt for unique shapes, patterns and designs.
  • Colours- look for vibrant colours. Think about colour combinations.
  • Size-Don’t buy too large or too small items.
If you are in London just head to a car boot sale. Have you ever been to any car boots sale? I visited one few weeks back and I was quite fascinated by the idea. It is an outdoor sale at which people sell unwanted possessions, typically from the boots of their cars. 

Source: Time Out

Source: Capital Car Boot
London has tons of choices when it comes to car boots sale. But we chose to go to Capital Car Boot Sale- it is central’s London only indoor and outdoor car boot sale throughout the year.  There were sellers selling video games, computers, shoes, jewellery but my eyes were looking only for FOOD PROPS. I ended up buying 4 props.

This bowl. I got this for just 1 pound. The white bowl with blue prints and touch of flowers gave very summery feel to it and it was the love at first sight for me. It is perfect for serving chutneys, dips and even dry curries. You can use white or blue plates or napkins to enhance its beauty.
It has that spring touch!

2 cups and 1 saucer- I got all three for 1 pound. The curvy plate with golden design proposed very Victorian and royal look to me. The size is just perfect too. It will be great to accompany it with my bakes and snacks. What do you think?
Those wavy rims with gold

This bowl- this was only for 75 pence. Oh yes I dint even bargain for it. It has very rustic and Indian feel to it and those handles-totally love it. I have already used it twice HERE and HERE. Again it will be great for chutneys, pickles, seeds and even ice creams.
Gives that rural feel

This glass- my husband bargained hard and the lady finally sold this to us for 1 pound. Don’t you just love this lime green colour with carvings of flowers and leaves on it? I don’t know what will I use this for-any ideas? Well If nothing else I am sure this will be great to keep in the background with curries. Hmmm I can also keep tea candles in it.
Those carvings and colour
So yes that’s it. All these lovely props for 3.75 pounds and paid 1 pound as entry fees, still everything under 5 pounds. Not bad-isn't it?? Above all Mr. Husband enjoyed shopping with me and also helped me bargain. So visit this place and keep your eyes open you might get something amazing too.

Capital Car Boot Sale
Nearest tubes and trains are Pimlico -(2 mins walk) and Victoria (5 mins walk).
Timings- Every Sunday 11.30 am to 2.45 pm (please check timings before you leave)
Did you like the post? Where do you hunt for props? Do you know some interesting place in London? What do you keep in mind while buying props? Comments please :)


  1. amazing the things that are available at a car boot sale. You are so right, its not the camera, but the connection between the eye and the camera. I know of someone who takes amazing photos with his really really camera.The one where you use a film and turn a handle like device to take the next shot. Personally I am not good at taking photos.

    1. Thanks Mayuri, I am glad you liked the post. Are you talking about Tripod??
      dont worry you will improve day by day with your skills- just practice practice practice :)


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