
Monday, January 27, 2014

Pizza Tart And Luscombe Cider Review

Have you ever observed carefully bar scenes in the movies? Sometimes there is a group of friends taking about their boring married life; occasionally two people are solving murder mystery; at times they are just smuggling things. Overall in movies bars plays very important character ;) Thus when I was in India, these bar clips in the movies fascinated me and I always desired to visit one. That doesn't mean that I am a bar person- not at all. I only wanted to enter in these royal, old, rustic bars and observe the happenings carefully. Well the real world is very different from movies :)

After multiple stopovers at many bars in London, I could gulp beers easily. One day I tasted cider at the local bar and I liked it instantly. Now, beers or cider? I have only one answer- cider. This amazing drink has to be made or let’s say fermented carefully. After a quick search on the net, I found that organic ciders are the best. To be organic the apples must come from orchards in which no pesticides have been used and is free from preservatives.

Fortunately there is one company which produces cider that is rich and free from any kinds of adulteration. I am talking about Luscombe Drinks, who have been making delicious drinks since 1975. Based on a farm in deepest Devon, all of their drinks are crafted with exceptional care and integrity. They manufacture soft drinks, beers and ciders. I am going to enlighten just a perfect genuine drink-cider

Luscombe Organic Devon Cider is made without the usual added chemicals that stabilize ciders. No added Sulphites - unusually. As soon as I opened the bottle-the nose could only be described as heavenly. I would even go as far as saying divine (in my very best posh accent). Amazing earthy apples varietals leaped out of the glass with impeccable clarity. Just after the first quaff, it felt that it has been fermented to perfection. The right dry structured taste, the exact zingy formation; the polite yellow colour –was all to die for. I sniffed and guzzled the first bottle in one go.

Anything spicy, cheesy would be a perfect match for this dry cider. The first dish that popped in my mind was pizza. But who had so much time? My creative mind punched me to make a tart keeping in mind the idea of pizza-Crispy base, roasted vegetables, melted cheese and a touch of herbs. I wasn't wrong, this tart is outstanding from others and is the quickest pizza you can ever make. Winter cuddles, spicy tart and a cider to drink, in the comfort of your home- ah what more could I have asked for!

2 tablespoons pizza sauce (I used this)
1 tablespoon dried herbs (oregano, basil and thyme)
¼ cup mozzarella cheese
1 tomato chopped in rings
1 small onion chopped in rings
½  cup colored bell peppers sliced
¼ teaspoon black pepper crushed
¼ teaspoon chilly flakes
¼ teaspoon salt
1 Puff Pastry Sheet (substitute with homemade or store bought pie crust)
2 cups rice

Preheat oven to 180 C
Line a baking tray with wax/parchment paper or foil. Brush it with butter/oil. Place 1 frozen puff pastry sheet on it and allow it to thaw.
Place a grease-proof paper on top of the pastry case and fill with rice. Just roll the edges to shape it like a plate.
Bake for 10 minutes till it is light golden in color.
Remove the rice and the grease-proof
paper. Apply pizza sauce in the base and they arrange half of the tomatoes, onions and bell peppers.
Cover it with cheese, mixed herbs, black pepper, chilli flakes and salt.
Arrange the remaining vegetables on it.
Bake it again for 5-8 minutes or till vegetables is roasted and cheese is melted.
Cut in squares and serve hot.

Substitute pizza sauce with tomato ketchup or even pesto.
Any shape can be given to the tart.
This can be made in tart moulds as well. Carefully roll the pastry sheet and lie it on greased tart tins/ moulds and then follow the method.
This can be prepared beforehand. Just keep in the hot oven for 2 minutes and serve.

Cheesy, spicy and crsip.

Disclaimer: I was not paid or told to write positive review. The post is based on my experience and is unbiasedThanking Luscombe Drinks for sending Cider to review.


  1. A very unique pizza but delicious nevertheless. Wel done!

  2. wow, its looking yummy,feel like tasting it.

  3. Puff pastry makes it easy to make this bread, isn't it? Will try it soon.

  4. wow that is a wonderful pizza tart. Like ur photography.

  5. Wonderful pizza tart :) just love it..

  6. The pizza tart looks so good, love all the clicks :)

  7. fabulous recipe with a splendid work on your presentation is clearly visible thanks for haring dear :)


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