
Monday, August 24, 2020

Rose Fizz | The Rose Cocktail | Easy Simple Cocktail/Mocktail Recipe With Rose Syrup

This pandemic has made us all realise that all these things around which are lives revolved such as shopping, eating out, meeting friends, going for a movie is all temporary, its only our home and our family that is our safe place. With all the extra time at home people have been baking, reading, excising and catching up all the missed shows and movies on Netflix or Prime. And with all this one habit that has become our partner is ‘snacking’.

What is snacking? Snacking is eating a small portion of food or drink or a light meal, especially one eaten between regular meals. I am a big time snacker. A bowl of popcorn while watching a movie; or some chips when we have karaoke night; or nibbling on some homemade things in the evening-I need snacks. All these snacks we eat are not healthy but since it’s easily available we tend to choose them.

Lately, I tried these seeds and nuts pack from Boundless and it has become our most favourite one. Boundless Nuts & Seeds are activated which means that nuts and seeds are soaked which activates germination. A good soak also removes the bitter phytic acid and protecting enzymes which enables better digestion. Then these nuts and seeds are baked with flavours and a lighter crunch.


Ever since I tried this, I don’t think I am ever choosing unhealthy snacking options anymore. I am just hooked. They have four wonderful and interesting flavours to choose from- Orange, Ginger & Maple, Turmeric & Smoked Paprika, Tamari & Aleppo and Cayenne & Rosemary. Each one of them has different types of seeds and nuts combination and it comes in a sachet of 30 grams which makes it very handy and ideal for snacking.

Orange, Ginger & Maple: - Pecan Nuts, Almonds, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Maple Syrup, Ginger, Salt, Orange Peel Powder.

Turmeric & Smoked Paprika: - Walnuts, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Maple Syrup, Turmeric, Salt, Smoked Paprika, Aleppo Flakes.

Tamari & Aleppo: - Almonds, Cashew Nuts, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Tamari, Cider Vinegar, Aleppo Flakes, Sesame Oil.

Cayenne & Rosemary: - Almonds, Cashew Nuts, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Maple Syrup, Salt, Rosemary, Cayenne Pepper.

I feel that each of it has such distinct taste and flavour that I did not wanted to create a recipe out of it. I wanted to enjoy the natural raw taste that Boundless has given them. I felt that I must pair it with something or top it off on something. May be a handful of it on this chickpeas hummus to add that extra crunch or throwing it on the plain old morning porridge. I will surely add it on my burnt garlic pasta or even on this peas and mint rice.

As the sun was gleaming in through my window, I had a sudden urge to whip up a quick drink. Soda, rose syrup, a splash of tequila and ice cubes-all mixed and crafted to make this sunny summery drink. Braced it up with Boundless Nuts & Seeds while we played Uno- an evening well spent. Rose Fizz, lets call it. or The Rose Cocktail.

If you’re after a cocktail, with a gentle pink blush and subtle taste of rose then you can’t do better than this cocktail. Gets ready in jiffy, this a perfect evening refreshing drink to beat your Monday blues of kick start your Friday evening. You can easily skip the alcohol and turn it into a mocktail instead.

Rose syrup or Rooh Afza is widely used in India and that’s exactly what I have used in this recipe. I can vouch that it is a very light, tender and no fuss cocktail. You can use vodka, rum, brandy or even whiskey for this recipe-whatever fancies your taste buds. If you don’t want to use alcohol then simply add in some lemon juice and you are good to go.


8-10 ice cubes

5 tablespoons rose syrup or roohafza (see notes)

Tequila as per your liking, I used around 1 and ½ ounce

Soda to fill the whole glass


Throw in ice cubes in the glass.

Pour in rose syrup.

Add in tequila and mix it gently.

Finally fill the glass with the soda and serve chilled.


The recipe can be changed as per your preference. You can add in lemon juice, mint leaves and also use any other liqueur such as vodka, rum or brandy.

Rose syrup is easily available in Indian grocery stores. I used this one from HMD.

Disclaimer: I was not paid or told to write positive review. The post is based on my experience and is unbiased. Thanking Boundless  for sending seeds and nuts packs for review.

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