
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Recap Event Announcement And Giveaways- Celebrating 2 Years Of Blogging

So I have been so busy that I missed an important date, I failed to notice that my little blog is now 2 years old. Something I started just as a diary to keep my recipes safe and organised is now so special to me. In last 2 years I have learnt many new techniques, tried new dishes, made new friends and became more passionate about cooking. Ever since then whatever I wrote on this space is with complete devotion and dedication. All you readers have been so supportive and encouraging by participating in the events, liking the posts on Facebook, commenting on them and following me on twitter- it is you all who keep this blog running. Thank you very much.

I am also grateful to Mr. Husband for motivating and criticizing the dishes and clicks -without which I would have not improved. He reads all the posts and picks out the grammatical errors- which is annoying sometimes but I know he wishes only good for me. He waits patiently when I click food photos, understands my craze for props and finally finances them. Thank you :)

Past 2 years have been very exciting and I enjoyed every bit of it. What happened in these 2 years, what I did, what did I achieve-I am sharing with you all?
  • Total number of blog posts is 310, out of which 5 are Travel post and has no recipes. I also wrote an article on -‘’What a food blogger does?’’
  • There are total 38,450  published comments on my blog. Each one of it is very special to me.
  • The most popular blog post is Milk Powder Churma, followed by Spinach Muthiya.
  • Tuesday’s tip section is the most liked feature of my blog. There are total 20 tips that I have shared. I have received lot of comments and mails requesting and asking for more tips. I am still trying to grow this section, till now ‘how to deodorize the fridge’ is the most popular tip.
  • Readers says that I have improved a lot in food photography. I finally own DSLR Cannon 600D and I am enjoying it. First picture  I clicked with it was of Gond Ke Ladoos . Many of you have been asking to do blog post related to food pictures only. Let me know if you are interested.
  • Number of people following Merry Tummy 650. Facebook fans- 457; Twitter Followers- 80; Pinterest- 62 followers. I think the numbers are great. :)
  • Merry Tummy has hosted 6 events with giveaways and received more than 120 entries at each one of them.
  • Lately I am on YouTube-I have posted 4 recipes with videos. See the YouTube section HERE and please subscribe.
  • I have worked with 19 brands and PR agencies and wrote product reviews. All the reviews were unbiased and fair. I was only compensated to keep the product and was not given any monetary benefit. I enjoyed doing product reviews a lot and will do more.
Other Achievements:
  • The healthy recipes that I share are also showcased on Times Of India’s health section-HeathMeUp. You can see my articles HERE.
  • Roasted Tomatoes Garlic Soup recipe has been featured in New York RedBook Magazine. CLICK HERE.
  • Gormandize UK have interviewed me which can be read HERE. I also won First Prize- an amazing Coffee Machine in the Christmas Baking Competition organized by them-CLICK HERE.
  • Country Living has also featured the Roasted Tomatoes Garlic Soup recipe on their site. See HERE.
Snapshots of Features

‘'To succeed you have to believe in something with such a passion that it becomes a reality''. This is just the beginning I am sure the best is yet to come. To celebrate 2 years of blogging I am having an event with a giveaway.  It is a Recap Event- an that will give me rush of memories and have recap of my blog posts.

How to participate:
  • Follow my any recipe from the blog and make it in your kitchen. Write a post about it giving link back to the original recipe. You can make some modifications as per your taste but GIVE RECIPE SOURCE back to my page
  • Simply copy this at the end of the post- Sending this for Merry Tummy Recap Event.
  • Usage of logo is compulsory as as it helps to spread the word.
  • You have to like Merry Tummy's Facebook Page, Follow me on Twitter and Follow Merry Tummy. (Compulsory)
  • Only after your first entry, share the event details at Facebook page. (I want more people to know about the event). Keep your post public in Facebook so that I can see it. (Compulsory- have to do only once)
  • Event runs from 29 May 2014 to 1 August 2014.
  • Bloggers and Non bloggers are welcome to participate. Send a mail to with the subject line as Recap Event with the following details:
    • Your Name
    • Recipe Name
    • Blog Name
    • Recipe URL (Please send the Recipe URL and not the blog URL)
    • Picture of the dish (If it is not on the blog)

I am sure this will excite you. First prize is WAFFLE MAKER/MACHINE (worldwide).
The one who send maximum entries wins. 

Hope you like the event. Any questions-mail me. Get set and cooking:)


  1. Congrats on your blog anniversary dear:) Sure will participate in the event also :)

  2. Congrats on your blog anniversary dear:) Sure will participate in the event also :)

  3. Congratulations on ur blog's anniversary dear.. :)

  4. Congrats on your blog anniversary :) congrats on all your achievements and I am sure many are on the way. Keep rolling girl!

  5. congrats on ur blog anniversary

  6. congratulations Shweta. A young blog with so much achieved in a short time. Will participate in the event to celebrate along with you.

  7. Congratulations on blog anniversary.. Hey wow u have achieved good lot yet lot's more coming your way...Will definitely participate..

  8. congrats dear!! long way to go!! will try participating :)

  9. Happy blog anniversary! You have been blogging for 2 years only and yet you have achieved so much. Well done!

  10. Congratulations on completing 2 year! Lovely blog!

  11. that sounds really good dear... congrats on ur 2nd blog anniversary... will try to pariticipate... :)

  12. Congrts:) happy blogging

  13. congrats..and will do submit my recipes


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