
Monday, June 2, 2014

The Best Walnut Chocolate Brownies Ever

All you need is love but a little chocolate now and then won’t hurt-Charles M. 
Well that is so true- happy or sad all a gal needs is chocolate. When you give someone a chocolate to share do you secretly wish that he/she refuses to accept it? I do, sharing chocolate with someone is a huge thing for me but sushhh! Don’t tell anyone ;-).  Do you also have a secret affair with chocolate? Chocolate to me is smile, happiness, partner in crime and mood up-lifter, but I don’t like sweet chocolate like dairy milk or galaxy; I love dark chocolate-the bitter ones. The one that doesn't melt in mouth but the one that leaves its bitterness.

So now you get the whole story –you now understand my fondness for chocolate.  I have only one word to describe any chocolate dessert-AWESOME. Be it creamy Black Forest Cake, or zesty Ginger Brownies; be it spicy Chilli Chocolate Cake or nutty Chocolate Fudge- all I say is OH YES, GIVE ME MORE. Right from Vanilla Cookies Coated with chocolate to chocolate cookies ice-cream –I just love chocolate in desserts.

One fine day when it was raining and I was missing family back in India, I was missing Indian Monsoons- I was depressed deeply. All I wanted was chocolate. I needed something to cheer me up and bring smile back on my face. I decided to make brownies. Now imagine, when it is pouring outside and your home is smelling warm and chocolaty...wait it gets better...imagine a piece of chocolate that is chewy and crumbly with walnutty crunch.....Well yes chocolate doesn't ask silly questions-it just understands:)

WALNUT CHOCOLATE BROWNIES is such a chocolaty, bitter, sweet delight that no one can have just one. A pair made in heaven-chocolate and walnut-oh so well they complement each other, understand each other and finally combine up to please your taste buds and feelings. These Brownies are so scrumptious that you have got to bake it NOW. Summers-have with dollop of ice-cream; Rainy-have with drizzle of chocolate sauce; Winters- just warm it and enjoy. Trust me –gulping this brownie is no less than a therapy.

Cocoa powder- 1/2 cup
Unsalted Butter- 1/2 cup
Sugar- 1 cup
Eggs- 2
All purpose flour- 1/4 cup
Vanilla extract- 1/2 tsp
Bitter sweet/ Dark chocolate, broken into small pieces- 1/4 cup
Walnuts, cut into small pieces- 1/4 cup
Salt- a pinch

Preheat the oven at 165C. Grease the pan. I used glass rectangle pan.
Take microwave safe bowl and heat cocoa powder and butter on high for 20 seconds. Let it cool for 15 seconds.
To it add sugar and mix. Mix till sugar is half dissolved.
Add one egg at a time and mix well and quickly. Add another egg and mix.
Finally add in all purpose flour, salt and fold. Just mix don’t over mix.
Add in chopped chocolate. Pour the mixture in the pan. Sprinkle the walnuts on it.
Bake for 30-35 minutes or till when toothpick inserted in between comes clean.

I used 70% dark chocolate. You can use less bitter one as well. Even Cadbury dairy milk.
Using walnuts is optional. You can use any chopped nut or nuts at all. Choice is yours.
Don’t let sugar dissolve completely in the batter because sugar caramelizes and gives you those chewy brownies.
I used self raising flour and it worked fine.
Don't panic if brownies don’t rise-they are supposed to be like that.

Sending this to Made With Love Mondays


  1. tempting... must trying out your recipes before I land up with a long list.

  2. Drooling here......... Brownies looks absolutely tempting!

  3. Drooling. Ur pics tempt me to taste a bite

  4. wow soft and spongy walnut in brownie ......

  5. Tempting and lovely ones.........

  6. Brownies looks very delicious and nice pics..

  7. I feel like I can't breath seeing all these brownies. I need one now! :p

  8. Brownies are one of my absolute favorite desserts and I can never eat just one! These sound delicious and I do enjoy a sprinkling of walnuts with my chocolate :)

  9. Yummy brownies!! Lovely clicks too :)

  10. These look so nice! I can perfectly imagine the intense chocolate flavour.

  11. Brownie looks absolutely perfect.....awesome...

  12. Woo hoo, happy to find this walnut recipe. Trying it as we speak! Will let you know how they turn out :)


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