Today's tip is How to remove garlic smell from your hands? There are 4 tips and all of them works great.Try these tips to remove garlic odor from your hands.
Tip 1- Wash your hand with soap and water. Rinse well. Then take 1/2 tsp of baking soda and rub your hands with it. Rinse well.

Tip 3-Use toothpaste or mouthwash to remove the smell. Toothpaste and mouth wash contains minty smell which will help in removing the odor of garlic.
Just take any stainless steel utensil- spoon, bowl anything and rub your hands with it and rinse with water. This is very effective.
Next time do not ignore using garlic. Say No to garlicy hands and yes to garlic :)
* Disclaimer :::: Not all the information mentioned above is my own and some of it are taken from various books and online sources like Google including the pics. My pics will have my logo on them , rest all are taken randomly from Google